Facial Lesions

“I write to share with you the huge benefits that the use of Bentonite Clay has made to my life. I am close to 68 years old!!  In just 10 days, the face mask and the twice daily drinking of Clay worked to clear painful and ugly lesions from my face, hand in hand with relevant diet changes, resulting in absolute wonders to my face skin.

After 3 months of doctor’s visits and 5 prescriptions which were to no avail, to have such benefit in a matter of days from the Clay has been life changing.  The painful and ugly facial lesions are no longer a part of my life.  Now, almost 3 months after starting to use the Clay, I choose to continue with the nightly face mask which leaves my skin smooth, clear and revigorated.  I cannot recommend it highly enough.  Thank you for educating me about this natural powder.”

R Evans