Black Eye

Colette came into our clinic for some clay after her son Tom had fallen over injuring his face. She kindly documented his progress for us as follows:

“Hi Sarah, Ok here goes….. 13th Dec – Tom was running to catch the school bus after school and as boys do racing and he had his hands in his bag straps holding his bag on. He tripped and slid face first onto concrete with bits of gravel. I hadn’t put anything on it.  Tamara (one of my staff) suggested the clay”.

Toms Black Eye - photo 1

“14th December – Each time I took the clay off this is how it appeared. I used your Vitamin E cream applied twice a day, alternated with colloidal silver . I applied the clay daily for 5 days”.

(Side view on first day of packing. The white stuff is Vitamin E Cream).

Toms Black Eye - photo 2

(Front view on the first day of packing).

Tom's Black Eye - photo 3

“Sunday 15th – Clay applied , eye swelling up”.

Tom's Black Eye - photo 4

“24th Dec – Scarring noticeable but pale inside. Vitamin E Cream applied twice daily still, alternated with colloidal silver”.

Tom's Black Eye - photo 5

“Continued sunblock when in sun of course and Vitamin E Cream morning and night”.
(Last photo taken 22 Feb, no scarring visible)

Hope this is helpful, I think the stuff is amazing!”

Colette Clarkson